Thursday, April 30, 2009

Weigh in

This is not the official Weight Watchers weigh in due to I missed my meeting yesterday to fill my jury duty obligation. I did not get picked for the jury (I think it would have been interesting to serve on a jury) but I did get out earlier then I would have had I gone to work. Seeing I got out early & it was such a beautiful day out I took Ben (the most amazing dog in the world ) for a 50 minute walk. Every time we walked by the car he would look at the car & stop as if to say can we go home now. Anyway back to the topic at hand. Now this is not official as I was not able to weigh in on the Watchers scale but I weighed in this morning on our Biggest Loser work scale it read 196.6!! That is a 5.8 lose since last Wednesday. Now it could be because last week was that time of the month or that I had a lot of salt & now it is gone but I don't care I am at 196.6 yoo whoo!!! I am going to be extra good this week so I am not disappointed next week when I weigh in on the official scale.


WWSuzi said...

Wowsa's that's awesome!!

Kelly the Happy Texan said...

WOW that's so awesome. I just can't wait to be in the 100s. Can't wait.

Congrats on a great loss.

Ashley said...

::Fingers crossed:: I can't wait for it to be official!