Thursday, November 27, 2008

It is a Happy Thanksgiving

I am so extreamly proud of my self. I just finished the Road race (5 miles) in 57 minutes. I wanted to finish in less then an hour & I did. I have been training since around August. Next year I will aim for 45 minutes. I ran most of the race I walked for about 12 min out of the 57. I kind of got terry eyed when I saw the finish line & realized I accomplished what I set out to do. I was running for my father. He was a runner & passed away 4 years ago this November. I thought of him as I was coming upon the finish line. I think he was pushing me to go.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

I am a Runner

I am so excited, I was able to run for 3 miles in a row with out stopping. That was 35 min in a row. That is a first for me. I could not run for more then 2 min when I first started. I am doing the Manchester Road Race tomorrow which is 5 miles. My plan is to finish within an hour. I was a bit nervous that I would not be able to run but after running the 3 miles I think I can do it. Wait I know I can do it.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Won over my mind

I have a big NSV (non scale victory). Yesterday I was having a great on program day, then all of a sudden my mind started playing with me. I got the idea in my head to skip the gym & to go home & eat. I was hungry all day for some reason & my body was really sore from all the exercise I have been doing. I kept talking my self out of going to the gym. Then I said let me read some blogs. I read a blog called The Anti-Jared ( & I got so inspired. Right then & there I said no I will not go home & eat in front of the TV. I will go to the gym. So thank you to The Anti-Jared for keeping me on track yesterday.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Monday, Monday

Well I made it thru the weekend without doing to much damage. I was able to go out on Saturday for 2 meals & only go over my daily points by a few. I went to a baby shower where they had the most amazing looking deserts (Julie is such the baker). I ended up having only 1 chocolate covered strawberry ( 1 point). Then I went to a girls night out with pizza & beer. I stuck to my plan, I had 2 pieces of pizza ( that is good for me, I love pizza) & 2 Bud Lights.

On Sunday I went to the gym bright & early at 7AM. I had a plan to do at least 4.5 miles on the treadmill. I actually ended up doing 5 miles. I did the 5 miles in 1 hour & 2 min so I am hoping to be able to complete the run on Thursday in 1 hour or less. I am sore today. I have gone 6 days in a row with exercising & I am feeling it.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Boot Camp

This morning I went to a 7:30am Boot Camp class. It was tuff but I hung in. I ended up burning 400 calories.

Tonight I am going to have to try & stick to my healthy eating. It might be hard. I have baby shower this afternoon & then tonight I am going out for a girls night. I have a plan to only have a max of 3 drinks. I will work them into my points. Tomorrow I am going to do the treadmill for at least 4 miles so I can not drink to much tonight.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Could have done better

Well I am not so proud of my dinner choice last night. We went to a Uconn women's basketball game & I went with a plan. We were going to eat at this restaurant so I went on line & picked out a dinner that would be within my points. We get there & the wait is 45 min. We did not have time to wait so we ate at the game. I must say I did make a better choice then I would have in the past. Instead of having a nice big juicy burger I went with a chicken Philly. I know the cheese was not a good choice ( but I love my cheese) & I defiantly should not have eaten the chips or the few fries off Chris's plate. On the bright side I did not get an appetizer, dessert or beer. I think the eating healthy thing is going to take some time to get use to. I am good at home (most of the time) it is when I go out to eat that I cave.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

A good day

Today is starting out to be a good day. I had to get up at 4:45 am to get in my exercise because we are going to a Uconn game after work. I was planning on doing my 5 min warm up the run for 5 min, walk for 3 run for 8 & repeat. However I got to running & after the 5 min I was like I can keep going. I was shocked I was able to run for 25 min in a row without stopping. That is a first for me. I think I will be able to do my 5 mile race next Thursday without dying.

Last night I went to a class at the gym, It was called Step & Sculpt. I thought it would be weights & some step aerobics. Not it was all weights & just squats off the step. I must have done 5 zillion squats & my legs are sore today. All in all I kind of liked the class & will most likely go again.

On another happy note I filled my gas tank today for under $20, $19.75 to be exact. Woo Hoo!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

First Official Day

So today will be the first official day of my new life style. I am going cold turkey with the sweets. I packed my breakfast (Steel Cut Oats) & my lunch (Salad with Soup). I also have a bunch of fruit for snacks.
Yesterday I ended up finishing out the day way better then it started. I was tempted to have some ice cream last night but I did not. I did make it to the gym, however I went to put on my sneakers & found out I had 2 different sneakers. I could handle wearing 2 different sneakers that would be a bit embarrassing but I would do it, the only problem they were 2 sneakers for the same foot. Now that did not work so I ended up working out in my shoes I wore to work, Good thing I did not wear heels. I got in a good workout, I did 50 min on the elliptical & I went up to a resistance level of 15 for a few minutes. Then I did a few chest exercises.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Fell off now I will get back on

I have done nothing but eat bad for about a week now. I don't know how I expect the weight to come off if I keep eating like this & not exercising. Today I had a plan I packed my breakfast & lunch for work, however once I got here I did not want it. Instead I got Subway for lunch which was not so bad. I got a turkey on a roll up, but I also got chips & a Twix. Not so good. I am going to the gym tonight.
I think my problem is once I eat something bad ( such as candy & cookies) I just can not stop, & this goes on for days. I am going to stay away from cookies/candy & try to eat a lot of fruits & vegetables for a week & see if that helps. I am also going to go to the gym everyday this week.